XFDoc Add-Ins Settings

The XFDoc Add-Ins page lets you download the Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word XFDoc Builder Add-Ins as a .zip file containing an Instructions file that walks you through the setup.


Downloading the PowerPoint Add-In

  1. Ensure Microsoft PowerPoint is closed. Click the PowerPoint icon in Task Manager XFDoc Add-ins settings. The following Windows message is displayed.

  2. Click Open.

  3. Right-click to select the OneStream XFDoc Builder.ppam file and click Copy To.

  4. Use the Windows Explorer Copy dialog box to navigate to the location specified in the Installation Instructions (C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft), where <UserName> is the name assigned to you by the IT department to identify your username.

    The AppData folder may be hidden by default. To unhide it in Windows Explorer, click View, then select Hidden Items.

  1. Click OK to select the location and close the Browse for Folder dialog box, then click OK to copy the file to the selected location.

Installing the PowerPoint Add-In

  1. Open Microsoft PowerPoint and double-click Blank Presentation.

  2. Click File> Options, and then click the Add-ins tab.

  3. In the Manage drop-down list at the bottom of the page, select PowerPoint Add-ins and click Go to open the Add-ins dialog box.

  4. Click Add New and navigate to locate the file copied earlier. The OneStreamXFDoc Builder.ppam file copied earlier displays.

    TIP: Navigate to the C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns folder if that is not the location of the folder.

  1. Select the file and click OK. OneStream XFDoc Builder now displays in the Add-ins as an available add-in.

  2. Click Close. The Add-ins window closes. The file is available from the Add-ins menu.

Downloading the Word Add-In

  1. Click the Word icon in Task Manager XFDoc Add-ins settings. The following Windows message is displayed.

  2. Click Open.

    You can open the Word AddIn Installation Instructions.txt file for additional information.

  3. Right-click the OneStream XFDoc Builder.dotm file and select Copy To.

  4. Use the Windows Explorer Copy dialog box to navigate to the location specified in the Installation Instructions (C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP), where <UserName> is the username assigned to you by your IT department. If the STARTUP folder is not visible, try closing Word before completing steps 1-6.

    TIP: The STARTUP folder might be referred to by a different name depending on the country in which OneStream is deployed.

  5. Click OK to select the location and close the Browse for Folder dialog box, then click OK to copy the file to the selected location.

Microsoft Word add-ins deploy as global macro enabled templates and do not require additional add-in activation steps. If Microsoft Word is open during the copy, you must close the application and re-open it to see the newly added item.

XFDoc Builder Overview

The OneStream XFDoc Builder Solution simplifies the extensible document creation process with new Microsoft PowerPoint and Word Add-Ins. These XFDoc Builder Add-Ins are only for use within Word and PowerPoint documents that are associated with tasks. They are not meant to author Extensible Documents outside of Task Manager.

NOTE: An error message displays if the XFDoc Builder Add-In tools are attempted to be used in PowerPoint and Word on documents created outside the Task Manager solution.

Using XFDoc Builder

Once you download and install XFDoc Builder Add-Ins (from Microsoft PowerPoint) and templates (from Microsoft Word), use the XFDoc Builder solution to create OneStream Extensible Document (XFDoc) in Task Manager.
